Great college essays
A Limited Topic Is A Good Topic For A Critical Essay. Truefalse
Monday, August 24, 2020
Interpretive arrangement must be worked for culmination Information must be important and complete. The purpose of the theme must be sufficiently explicit to clarify the subject and it tries to answer what, why, and how. Informative arrangement must be worked for progress Writing must have solidarity, from old to new or from easy to intricate or known to obscure or explicit to general or general from to explicit or less critical to progressively significant. Explanatory arrangement must be worked for Adaptation In request all things considered, clarification must be clear for reasonable audience.The Exposition of an Abstract Term or idea Anything that has no pictorial portrayal that we know are valid; yet exist just in our brain. Conceptual term start with a definition. It comprise of the term, Genus, and Differentiation. Composing a decent article of a theoretical term must be: 1. Be certain you are clarifying the subject not discussing it. 2. Utilize the least complex and most reco gnizable lingual authority conceivable, particularly if your piece is increasingly formal sort. 3. Study different strategies for composition, select the best one reasonable for you.Elimination †clarifying a thing by determining what isn't. Investigation †isolating the subject into its component. Examination and Contrast - ? characterizing words which tend to happen with or to be mistaken for certain partner words. Representation †the most effortless and regular strategy for composition. Giving case of outline of item to be characterized. A difficult issue in the theoretical term or idea is that length. It might be full length or full length piece or in which the subject is intensified by different strategies or by one created to its utmost.It might be a passage created by focusing on the primary highlights of the subject and depending for impact upon savvy determination and introduction. Most every now and again it is a passage or page in longer article. The composit ion of a procedure Sequential activity and activity by which something is done or made. At whatever point you are attempting to advise an individual how to accomplish something or how others accomplish something. Followed by a period design now and again w/o cognizant arranging or clarifying occasions all together. James M. Micron gives four normal sorts of composition process: â€Å"how-to-do-it†process, provide guidance. How-it-works†process, shows a n activity (regularly mechanical). Typically follows a period request and looks like portrayal. â€Å"how-it-is-organized†process, show multifaceted nature in association work by breaking into division and it is useful as opposed to ordered. â€Å"how-did-it-happen†process, try to cause for a referred to impact, for example, why or how the occasion happened. Piece of a procedure has two unique points. Initially, attempt to give the peruser a comprehension of the procedure without accepting that he/she wi ll embrace itself. Second, provide the peruser a guidance. Arranging and sorting out rely upon the subject.If the procedure is casual, your perusers is to follow headings himself. Regardless of whether on the off chance that it is formal or casual, solidarity is required all the while in the event that you wish to underline. Correlation and Contrast Comparison intended to show similarity and Contrast shows contrasts between two branches of knowledge. For instance, An is better than B or more intriguing than B, or more valuable than B. The two proclamations need solid control and association. Character Sketch Process of composing singular quality to present thought or itemizing of an attributes of some exemplified creature or thing. Upgraded by the utilization of coincidental description.To sketch a character is basically clarifying that character. It isn't portraying an individual genuinely yet present to his character. Two sort of character sketch are singular concerns specific ind ividual and type trademark regular to a gathering. Approaches to create character sketch. A) Leading qualities of the subject are counted and every one is taken up for conversation. B) Development might be narrative; it might relate a story show specific characteristic in an individual. C) Prominent trademark might be accentuated and the other trademark put in auxiliary relationship .The Essay is an article of writer's idea or reflection regarding some matter of human intrigue. Two sorts of article: Formal Essay - ? principle object is to give data and guidance. Brief in scope, normally indifferent in tone, it tended to basically astuteness, may manage assortment of subject. Incredible structure, technique for advancement and way of articulation Informal Essay †honestly and basically to engage. Seen in a free strategy way and doesn't endeavor to examine subject comprehensively , nor does it manage subjects that call for expound explanation.Personal in tone and perspective writt en in regular discussion. Remark or Criticism Review and analysis are types of composition. Normally distributed in periodicals, magazine, and written in a huge assortment of subjects. Anything that brings out conclusion or judgment. Three sorts of reactions: Criticism by utilization of standard †expect that specific characteristics will in general show up n all incredible writing. Recorded Criticism - ? assessing impact of an author or his work upon scholars who tailed him. Impressionistic or individual analysis †by determining what you think or feel, increasingly Objective gauges , limited or superficial.Practical proposals for your analysis: 1. Have foundation of information 2. Have preference from preparing, race, religion, legislative issues, occupation, and regions 3. Break down a bit of composing 4. Pick something of your own enthusiasm just as your own insight 5. Select a clear, constrained focal thought 6. Test your feelings cautiously Us Mary Exposition that stat es and clarifies quickly the subject Of any spoken or composed structure of impressive length. Order AS A TECHNIQUE OF EXPOSITION Classification is a noteworthy and enlightening gathering of things, exercises, and ideas.Ruling standard is to join thought or perspective use in the craft of arranging. â€Å"A order is pointless it leads somewhere†. Proposal for significance characterization: 1. Clarify what is being ordered 2. Pick (and express) a huge, valuable premise or core value for the grouping 3. Take care to confine yourself each premise in turn in posting individuals from class 4. Name the species as indicated by given premise 5. Ensure that every specie is independent and particular that there is no covering 6.Help perusers comprehend the unmistakable between two species 7. Verify that in an arrangement (where an animal categories recorded as per the significant premise turns into a variety) Partition in Exposition Partition is the demonstration of isolating a unit in to its segment part and doesn't really share anything for all intents and purpose past the way that they have a place with a similar unit. Sledges might be sensibly separated by its physical qualities. Order consistently manages a few units while parcel eels just piece of a unit. A mallet head w/o handle is hammer.The head and the handle are segment portions of just a single unit. Proposal for clear and important parcel: 1 . â€Å"Any breakdown of a subject for motivations behind conversation ought to be done in understanding reliable perspective, or premise, and premise must followed all through any single period of the discussion†.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on Heuristic Problem Solving
Heuristic critical thinking †are good judgment rules drawn as a matter of fact, used to take care of issues. Or then again essentially put the heuristic technique for critical thinking is a dependable guideline. On the other hand, calculations are clear systems that are ensured to work unfailingly. Heuristic programming describes programs that are self-learning; they are a piece of computerized reasoning, they show signs of improvement with experience. Heuristic projects don't generally arrive at the absolute best outcome however normally produce great outcomes inside a sensible measure of search time. As talked about in the April 1998 Phi Delta Kappa article titled â€Å"What is issue solving†, general heuristics are â€Å"cognitive dependable guidelines that are valuable in understanding an extraordinary assortment of problems†. Explicit heuristics are utilized in particular zones, frequently explicit subject areas or callings. There are three normal strategies in heuristic critical thinking. To start with, the most remarkable general heuristic is to shape a sub-objective to decrease the disparity between your current state and your definitive objective state. Plan something for get somewhat nearer to the ultimate objective. Issues challenge one-shot arrangements; they should be separated into littler parts. A second heuristic technique looks to tackle issues by working in reverse. First, think about your definitive objective. From that point, choose what might establish a sensible advance only before arriving at that objective. At that point ask yourself, what migh t be the progression only preceding that? Starting with the end, you fabricate a vital extension in reverse and inevitably arrive at the underlying states of the issue. The third heuristic strategy looks to take care of issues through progressive guess. Initial attempts at tackling an issue may bring about an item that is not exactly fulfilling. Composing is a genuine model. Not many achieved essayists endeavor to compose impeccable exposition the first run through. Or maybe, the underlying objective is a work in progress or a layout or a rundown of thoughts. After some time, a composition is ... Free Essays on Heuristic Problem Solving Free Essays on Heuristic Problem Solving Heuristic critical thinking †are good judgment rules drawn for a fact, used to take care of issues. Or then again essentially put the heuristic strategy for critical thinking is a general guideline. On the other hand, calculations are direct methodology that are ensured to work without fail. Heuristic programming describes programs that are self-learning; they are a piece of man-made reasoning, they show signs of improvement with experience. Heuristic projects don't generally arrive at the absolute best outcome however for the most part produce great outcomes inside a sensible measure of search time. As talked about in the April 1998 Phi Delta Kappa article titled â€Å"What is issue solving†, general heuristics are â€Å"cognitive dependable guidelines that are valuable in unraveling an incredible assortment of problems†. Explicit heuristics are utilized in particular territories, frequently explicit subject areas or callings. There are three basic techniques in heuristic critical thinking. In the first place, the most impressive general heuristic is to shape a sub-objective to lessen the disparity between your current state and your definitive objective state. Plan something for get somewhat nearer to the ultimate objective. Issues oppose one-shot arrangements; they should be separated into littler parts. A second heuristic technique tries to take care of issues by working in reverse. First, think about your definitive objective. From that point, choose what might establish a sensible advance only before arriving at that objective. At that point ask yourself, what might be the progression only preceding that? Starting with the end, you manufacture a key extension in reverse and in the long run arrive at the underlying states of the issue. The third heuristic strategy looks to take care of issues through progressive guess. Initial attempts at taking care of an issue may bring about an item that is not exactly fulfilling. Composing is a genuine model. Scarcely any cultivated essayists endeavor to compose immaculate exposition the first run through. Or maybe, the underlying objective is an unfinished copy or a diagram or a rundown of thoughts. After some time, an original copy is ...
Saturday, July 25, 2020
What can you do with a bad grade in quantum
What can you do with a bad grade in quantum It took me a while to internalize that a grade is fixed but ones reaction to it is not. Like I mentioned, 8.05 (Quantum II) was a rough time; frankly, I should have dropped the class after the midterm, but I was too stubborn (or too persistent*?) *I once asked a friend what distinguishes persistence from stubbornness. He said: whether you succeed or fail. Ummgreat. When I found out my final exam score, my brain immediately switched into problem? theres a problem? WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? mode. My neurons fired through some possible courses of action, and settled on: moping. First, I moped alone. During this period, I decided that the responsible course of action would be to e-mail my professor and my TA. After procrastinating for a few hours, I finally hit send, and away went my request for advice you can give me on how to move forward from here. I thanked them for their help during the semester, etc, and returned to angsting privately. But not for long. An hour and a half later, my professor responded, expressing sympathy, frustration because Prof. Adams* and I concur that you know a lot more than what you exam grades show! and said that he would be happy to meet with me. Absolutely mortified at the idea that they had discussed me at the grading session, I arranged to meet with him on January 4, when I returned to campus after winter break. *The TA of the other recitation section The next day, after my linear algebra final (which was a much more pleasant experience) I was ready for the next step: to mope in good company. I went over to my friend Sams dorm and watched How I Met Your Mother and ate a chocolate cupcake. Then came the first of two very profound e-mail moments. Out of the blue, I got a message from Professor Adams. Weve finished grading the class, he wrote, and I wanted to to write to say that I think the final exam did not accurately reflect your command of the material and to encourage you to not let it discourage you. Ive been impressed by your questions, answers, quick thinking and enthusiasm. Keep it up, dont lose heart, and go knock 8.06 out of the park. I will never, in my entire life IN MY ENTIRE LIFE forget how it felt to receive that e-mail. If I go crazy and forget who I am and what species of creature I belong to, I will still remember that feeling. Professor Adams probably wrote it quickly and didnt think much about it afterwards, but woah. That meant the world to me. There was one more person I wanted to talk to. I waited until I got back home, to London, then e-mailed him, asking to meet on January 4 (I figured I might as well get all these conversations over with at once.) I realized that I had previously only been to see him with good news (babbling about how excited I was about my summer research, etc) and wanted to be open about my academic situation I hoped for some perspective on what to do about it, in return. This led to the second profound moment. After I made the appointment with Dumbledore, I freaked out a little bit and e-mailed one of my best friends (and long-time pset buddy) telling him what Id done and that I was worried that Dumbledore would judge me stop having faith in me, or no longer think I could succeed in astronomy. He responded with an e-mail that I wont reproduce in its entirety; one section that meant a lot to me, though, was: no matter what, do not let yourself think that you cant succeed. Youre smart[and] an enjoyable person to be around. Sure, it might not show on any transcript, but dont underestimate that value in where you end up. He finished by saying I have always thought that you were valuable person to work with. I have always known you can succeed. I really mean that. Thats another e-mail I will never forget. Remind people that you believe in them! Today is January 4. At 11am, I met with Dumbledore. I got there early and wandered around the hallway a bit, steeling myself, and clinging very tightly onto those two e-mails. Dont let yourself think that you cant succeed, dont lose heart I shouldnt have worried. When, with a gulp, I brought up 8.05, stammering way more than I usually do, Dumbledore didnt bat an eyelash. He was quiet for a couple of minutes, stared off at the wall, then said something like it is not uncommon. I found some awkward way to ask IS MY LIFE RUINED? and his answer was, in a nutshell, no. dont let it happen again, but what really matters is what you do about it. So, we discussed what I could do about it. He suggested that I become a grader for the class, as a way to gain familiarity with the material and, I guess, demonstrate how serious I was about learning it. That idea hadnt occurred to me, so I wrote it down to remember during my subsequent meeting with my 8.05 professor. He thought for another minute, then said: did [the professor] type up his notes? I replied that he typed up some of them, but ran out of time by a little over halfway through the semester. You could offer to LaTeX them for him, he said, and I nodded, since Id already thought of that. At 12:55pm, I found myself outside my 8.05 professors office, taking some very deep breaths. I knocked; he wasnt in. A couple of minutes later, a cheery ANNA!!! floated into the hallway, followed by the always-smiley Professor Zwiebach. He let me in, picked up a notepad and a pen (uh oh.) and sat at the table with me. So, he began. What can we learn from this experience? AHHHHHHHHHHH. Um. Brain blank. He looked up at me and put the pen down. What are YOUR thoughts? I mentally slapped myself, sat up straight, rested my hands on the table, and was careful to look him in the eye. I guess I have two main concerns. He nodded gently. The first isconcern with my understanding of the material - More nodding. and the second is how this is going to affect me with, you know, things like graduate school applications. He nodded more. About the first one, II met with a professor earlier today, and we have some ideas. I told him about the grading, and the LaTeX idea, then asked for his suggestions. He seemed surprised, but said that those were both great ideas, and that he would love help with the notes. He went a step further, to suggest that I grade for 8.04 (Quantum I) in the spring. We settled on a game plan: I would grade for 8.04, then 8.05, and type up the notes in LaTeX. Then, the questions began. Lots of questions. He picked up the pen, and asked what classes Im taking next semester, what my interests are, what I want to do after college. I talked about science writing, and pulsars, and the conference, and public speaking, and museums and planetariums. I told him my IAP plans, and he exclaimed that you have a very exciting life! We talked briefly about C.S. Lewis and Tolkien and The Hobbit (we both liked the movie a lot.) When I started going on about this, he politely steered the conversation back to 8.05 and my feelings. He asked how I felt before, during, and after the exams; how I felt while psetting; how I felt during lectures, during recitations. It was a little painful to re-live all of that. I thought about a documentary I watched on the plane ride, the day before. It was about James Cooks trip to Australia, when he claimed it for England and named it New South Wales (the obvious thing to name a new country). Apparently, on the way back, the ship struck a coral reef and began to sink. Cooks resident botanist flipped out (mentally) and the sailors began flinging (flipping?) their heavy belongings overboard. Eventually, they threw out enough equipment that the ship returned to a safe, floating equilibrium. It was quiet in Prof. Zwiebachs office after I finished. He folded his fingers together and stared at his notepad, which now had some blue ink descriptions of Anna and her interests. He said it was hard to know what the problem was: whether I didnt understand the material or just suffered from severe exam anxiety problems (or both.) He made an analogy to hard drives and RAM. He then said that, although my grade obviously couldnt be changed, he could give me the exam again: I could take it as a problem set, with open notes and as much time as I needed, and scan my answers back to him. I would let him know how much time it took me, and how often I needed to refer to notes. Together, we would diagnose whats going on. I accepted. He printed the exam out for me. I folded it in half and tucked it into my notebook. Its sitting in my purse now, waiting. I stood up, we shook hands, I left. I bought a cup of mocha coffee (my treat for myself at Times Like This) and went to Building 37 (the astrophysics department) to do some data analysis for my research. A couple of hours later, Professor Dumbledore walked by and I told him about my conversation with Prof. Zwiebach. I announced the game plan. He smiled, nodded, said youve got a plan, and walked on. Youre always told that in college, teachers arent going to come find you when youre struggling and ask you whats going on. And its certainly true that Zwiebach would never have approached me with ideas for more chances to learn. Dumbledore would certainly never have known about the situation, but I figured that I stood to gain more than I stood to lose by bringing him in. These are busy guys. But they weighed in when I reached out, and I feel the situation floating back to within my control, which is where I like situations to be. I should also mention that not all professors would do this Im very grateful. Rock on, MIT physics department. And thank you, MIT Physics Department physicists. In High School, I had an English teacher (who remains one of my Favorite People Ever) who always signs off his e-mails to me with the same word. Its been ringing in my head for days, so Ill end with it here. Onward!
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Allegory Of The Cave By Jason Rene Castro And Seth David
I Believe, written by Jason Rene Castro and Seth David, is a song about having faith. The narrator believes that we can control the future, but more specifically, our own future. The title extensionally defines this song by indicating all the things that he believes in and why he believes in such things. There is a deep meaning throughout the song and it expresses how people should be good and positive, even in the darkest times, which I believe is true. In The Allegory of the Cave,†by Plato, there are prisoners in a cave with a fire that is located behind them. They have always faced the wall of the cave and have only seen what was outside of the cave from the shadows. They believe that the shadows of the objects carried are real but in reality, it s just a shadow of the truth. The prisoners play a game where they guess what the shadows are and end up believing that it is the truth. However, when one prisoner escapes and faces reality, where the sun is a source of life, he realizes that the game was pointless. He seeks for meaning and truth from his journey outside of the cave. Socrates then insists that he must return to the cave and share what he has found with the prisoners because it will benefit everyone as a whole. However, when he returns and informs the prisoners, they react by not believing him and threatening to kill him if he set them free, because they are scared of the change that would occur after knowing the tr uth. Socrates believes that knowledge gained
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Issue Of Elderly Abuse - 1957 Words
â€Å"Every year an estimated 5 million older Americans are victims of elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. And that’s only part of the picture: Experts believe that for every case of elder abuse or neglect reported, as many as 23 cases go unreported†(World Elder Abuse Awareness Day). The issue of elderly abuse is a growing topic in our country because it violates three specific articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Elderly abuse and neglect is an increasing age discrimination issue in the United States and violates the human rights to an adequate standard of living, equal protection under the law, and the right to be free from degrading treatment. The often neglectful and abusive caregivers take advantage of the†¦show more content†¦The caregivers of the victims may not feel that the elderly diagnosed with any type of dementia can effectively communicate their abuse to family or loved ones, making it easier to manipulate them. This is viol ating the right to an adequate standard of living because these people were being drugged in the nursing home which they considered home. The residents no longer felt safe in their living space and this is taking away the human right established in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In a study by the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences, Dr. Harruff evaluated this correlation, In an elderly individual, invariably there s a combination of processes -- if there s neglect, there s usually disease and neglect, he said. For patients in nursing homes, sores can mean that staffers aren t turning or moving them enough, a serious violation of accepted standards of health care. Federal data show that more than 7 percent of long-term nursing-home residents have pressure ulcers†(Lee and Thompson). If the elderly were able to defend themselves and express this abuse to others effectively, caregivers would not treat them this way because they know that they are ina dequately providing care and this is illegal.The Alzheimer’s Association also recognizes that dementia can affect communication, â€Å"People with dementia are especially vulnerable because the disease
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Basic Solutions for Bad Study Habit Free Essays
†¢Balancing school and friends. This can be a challenge. Friendships are important but so is school. We will write a custom essay sample on Basic Solutions for Bad Study Habit or any similar topic only for you Order Now The best way to balance school and friends is to study together. Good friends will support your academic and future goals. You can also make friends with other people who are planning for college and taking the same classes as you. †¢Add interest to your reading assignments. To get through a long reading assignment, imagine yourself in the story. Get involved. Ask yourself, â€Å"What is important to remember about this section? †You should always take notes or underline key sections and discuss the material with others in your class. You can also create a study group and break the assignment into different sections. Each person can be responsible for closely studying one part of the text. The other parts you can skim or outline. Then get together as a group to share what you’ve learned. †¢Cramming before a test. Cramming before a test is always a bad idea. Start studying well in advance. Begin with an hour or two a day and then increase your study time as exams approach. †¢Don’t know where to start. Your challenge is to prioritize. With a big project, list all the things you have to do. Then split the project into small, manageable chunks. Ask, â€Å"Which part is due first? Which part of the assignment is worth more points? Which task will take the most time to complete? †Decide which tasks are most important and what order you’ll use to get things done. Then get started! The most important thing to remember is start early and work a little bit each day. You’ll be amazed at how much progress you make. †¢Staying up all night to study. Before a test, it is important to get enough sleep. Period. Make time to relax and unwind before each test. Be sure to eat well, sleep well and maybe get some exercise. You’re more likely to do better on the test if you take care of yourself. †¢Not enough time to study. The trick to solving this problem is getting organized. Bring out all of your notes and textbooks. Identify the most important information and the things you don’t understand. Focus your study time and energy on learning those things. If you need extra help, ask a teacher or tutor. If after school activities are the problem, keep a calendar with game days, meetings, assignments and practice times. Start assignments right when you get them, and use lunch hours and breaks to make extra progress. †¢Trouble remembering things. If you only have trouble sometimes, try connecting new information with your own examples and experiences. Use rhymes, poems or mental pictures to help remember important facts. Some people even make up songs to help them remember things. If you always have trouble remembering, no matter how long or hard you study, talk to your teacher or school counselor. They can talk with you about your specific problems and recommend strategies to help. How to cite Basic Solutions for Bad Study Habit, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Term Paper on Sadakalo Fashion House Essay Example
Term Paper on Sadakalo Fashion House Essay This report has been prepared as a requirement of the Case studies program. We are very glad for getting the opportunity to accomplish my practical training in the Sadakalo organization at Ghulshan . Our case studies is commencing from June 11, 2013 to July 30, 2013. Actually this report is a practical requirement of BBA Case studies Program in the MARKETING DEPARTMENT under Business Studies Faculties in the East West University .The report will definitely increase the knowledge of other students to know the clothing industry of Bangladesh, and the various clothing sadakalo is providing to sustain as leading local brand in Bangladesh. 2. OBJECTIVE OF THE REPORT This local clothing market in Bangladesh and the role of their for growth of national trade related businesses in Bangladesh. The objective of study is to gather practical knowledge regarding over all clothing organization and its operations. Theoretical classes of BBA provide us theories regarding different subjects where as practical training gives us the chances to view those systems and their operations.The principal intent of this report is to analyze the trends modern clothing and their customer’s behavior. More precisely we can identify the objective of this report as follows: * To observe the customers and their satisfaction towards the products and services of Sadakalo. * To observe the customers reaction towards the new product development of Sadakalo. * To understand the different product and to describe how Sadakalo provides these product. * To understand the other alternative customer about their product. * To provide the recommendation for improvement of these product. 3. Significance of the studyWith the global slowdown in the face of rising competition, the customers faced with an increasing array of financial products and services and expecting more from providers in terms of customize offerings, value, ease of access and personalized services. As a result, retaining customers and minimizing shake are both major concern for financial service institution. At present, Sadakalo is operating in the country with huge number of stall .But now there are many competitors . This might not cause a great deal of loosing profit of the Sadakalo however it is a matter of Organization reputation.Through this study it is expected that a clear idea of the customers of SK will be identified. Therefore, this study tries to give some suggestion of improving the product , services offered by the organized based on the reason behind closing attitude of the customer and comparative analysis with other brands to reinstate their valuable customers. 4. METHODOLOGY OF DATA COLLECTION We have used convenience sampling method to collect data and information for the project. For achieving the specific objective of this study, data were gathered from both primary and secondary sources.PRIMARY SOURCES * Direct conversation with the respective officers of the brand. * Face to face conversat ion with the clients. * Customer’s opinion collected through Questionnaire. * Observation of the organization activities. SECONDARY SOURCES * Various records of the brand. * Website of Sada Kalo. * Different newsletters of SK. 5. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Several drawbacks appeared at the time of preparing the report and hindered the total work process: * Due to some policies of the brand We couldn’t collect the organizational hierarchy to show the organizational decisions flow. As, We had more dependence on the primary sources, so there might be some level of inaccuracy with those collected information. Though, adequate verification and cross- checking was used, to minimize the error level. * Next, many of the analysis on the obtained data are based upon my sole interpretation. This in result might bring some biases, as lack of knowledge and depth of understanding might hinder me to produce an absolute authentic and meaningful report * We also failed to collect their o rganizational financial statement * Time constraint was another limitation restricting this report from being more detailed or analytical.The Relationship Mangers at the operation or strategic level of the concerned department are awfully busy with meeting their targets. So, it was very difficult for us to get them free and obtain some practical ideas regarding their expectation and opportunities regarding my topic. * Above all, this report is prepared while we are continuing our case studies programme. So, it was very hard for us to accommodate time for preparing this report. Mostly, our office timings at SK are from early morning till 6 p. m.During office hours its simply hard to manage time for working with the report. 6. OVER VIEW THE CLOTHING MARKET IN BANGLADESH There are different kinds of clothing brand have in Bangladesh . We only published the Deshi Dosh. * Sada Kalo * K-Kraft * Rang * Nagordola * Prabortona * Anjans * Bibiana * Swadeshi * Banglar Mela * Deshal 7. ABOUT SA DAKALO Not because of only commercial aim, the journey of Sadakaio started tr- ne thought ot nuking a dream come true. A dream of creating venous designs with the combination of only two colors, Black and White Fashion Is a part of daily life.The Wok oi a designer- is to create a feeling of unexpressed desire- that is after a designer designs something a fashion conscious individual should say to hunt That is what i wonted. SadaKalo is designing its products Keeping all these on mind On October 4, 2002, SadaKalo was officially launched at Rates Souare in a small scale outlet but with full of expectation and excitement. Within a short time, Sadakalo was blessed by the love and inspiration of every level of customers, which molded to the opening of the second branch at Raman, even before ending of one year of the first Outlet.The continuous eagerness of the pear* m Sadakalo cherished us to start the third branch at the theatrical region of Bally Road and the fourth and the largest out let Designers Corner at Gulshan Avenue on November, 2006. The main aim of this outlet is to put together Black and White collection of top designers. Sadakalo got remediable response from designers in this concept and successfully launched this showroom with 10 top designers. We have launched our fifth outlet at uttara from pahela boishakh in 1415(14th April 2008). 8. SADAKALO TRIED TO WORK WITH THEME BASED CONCEPTIn 2004 rids Saciakalo introduced identical dresses for Kids the theme TUMi AR Ami Ak CHiMIT. Renowned Magician Jewel Aich, actress Shampa Reza, Singer Jewel and actress Tamalika took part in the Modeling for this theme. In 2005 Eids, Sadakalo introduced identical dresses tor the couples with the theme Am Tamar Songe Bedhechi Amar Pran The idol couple Ali Zaker and Sara Zaker beautifully came out the theme a huge success. In 2006 rids, Sadakalos Designers Corner at Gulshan was established with a different perspective. The aim of this outlet was to bring together more than one designers creation under one roof.Designers such as Bibs Russel, Roxana Satan, Emdad Hogue, Sharban Dutta, Monapali, Sahrukh Amin and others have made this outlet a designers corner with their elegant creations. Bibi Russel Performed the key modeling part for this theme. Followed by the same inclination of doing theme based work, in this year 2008, Sadakale Is organizing Sadakalo Fashion for 2008. The objective of the show is self explained from the title, Sadakalo Fashion show for Bangladesh 2008. This is our Intention to make a platform of fashion where people can catch the recent trend in fashion at the very beginning of the year.In this show, five of the top Bangladeshi fashion designers will present their collections in Black and White for 2008. Their collections will reflect the upcoming style and Idea of Bangladesh fashion. Also they show is planned to be held on an annual bases, so that, every year, the Bangiacieth fashion market can observe the change in fashion trend. This show will also be an important bridge between Bangladesh fashion and apparent investors. Professionals from other sectors Will see the scope and opportunities in the fashion sector and they will be encouraged to invest in this sector, thus, the fashion market will grow more.This show will be an important platform for the young designers to team about the top level style, ideas which in turns will make them more successful. 9. DESHIDOSH Then Sadakalo became a part of Desidosh in 2009 at Bashundhara City. Deshi Dosh is a combination at ten fashion houses of Bangladesh under one roof. The ten fashion houses are chosen with a specialty that they work on Bangladeshi products. Later in 2010, Deshidosh opened another outset at Mimi Plaza, Chittagong. 10. Workshop Details: Sadakalo has several workshops. We visited their Gulshan-1 Corporate office to talk with the manager.There, we found their one workshop. The manager was very friendly with us he showed us the Workshop, where worker w ere working with their hands and machines. The good thing we have found out that most of their works is done with human hands. So, this is a sample of good work as well. One worker is giving a print on a Sharee with the help of his hands. Inside the workshop of sadakalos gulshan corporate office 10. OUTLETS IN BANGLADESH Sadakalo have 9 branches all over Bangladesh. Every branches are contributing in their business. In future they have plan to cover the whole country with their branches. 1. ABROAD Then Sadakalo expanded to abroad such as New York and Florida in the years 2009 and 2010 respectively. Current Sadakalo has Seven outlets *together- eight in Bangladesh and two in USA. 12. Sadakalo Online Shop and Official Website Sadakalo Has a official website. Their customers can find their suitable product without going to the shop. And Sadakalo has online shopping facilities. So customers will prefer Sadakalo brand for this benefit as well. The full website is fully organized and well categorized. So it is very easy to find ones suitable product. Here is a snapshot of there website- 3. OTHER TASKS Sadakalo is paying their heartfelt gratitude to the nationwide significant days like Ekushe, Independent Day and Victory Day. Sadakalo also celebrate Boishakh in the most special way. Occidental occasions like mothers day, fathers day, Friendship dm and Valentine day which have come to Bangladesh, we are trying to express them through our own culture and language. - 14. SWOT Analysis of Sadakalo The SWOT analysis comprises of the organization’s internal strength and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats.SWOT analysis gives an organization an insight of what they can do in future and how they can compete with their existing competitors. Strengths: * For more than 13 years in Bangladesh, Sadakalo is known to bear the Brand quality that provides it the strength of being the market leader in the local customers . Unlike any other clothing brand in Bangla desh, the success of SK is attributed to this strength of SK whereas the success of a brand heavily depends on its reputation while dealing with very sensitive commodity like money. * This brand in Bangladesh to issue soft cloth .By grabbing the opportunity that exists in the market SK, as the market leader, showed the most substantial corporate strength among the local brands. * Salakalo has a bulk of qualified, experienced and dedicated human resources. * Salakalo is the only one among the local brands that has been able to utilize its extensive marketing efforts in order to capture a wide customer base at a very short time. * SK’s Then Sadakalo expanded to abroad such as New York and Florida in the year 2009 and 2010 respectively. * Current Sadakalo has Seven outlets *together- eight in Bangladesh and two in USA In order to exude innovativeness and creativeness, SK tries its best to come up with customers’ clothing problems and solve them. Weaknesses: * Brand, who a re offering better less price product, now enjoys lower and middle class customers switching to them as SK offers reasonable price product which not for lower class. Furthermore, this market is a competitive market , and many other brands which are moderate the customer service. As a result, a large amount of customers move on to another brand. Many customers’ want to very low price product but they can’t filling that types of customers need. The clothing industry is now experiencing the contractual employment fever that has started up and SK has also fallen prey to it. Self-interest of the employees are actually hindering their performance because SK is employing individuals from other agencies and giving them tough targets to reach and thereby not giving them the full benefits of a permanent employee. * During the last 10 years the entry the many kinds of clothing industry. That’s why SK can’t monopolistic perform in the market. The local brands’ increasing aggressiveness. * SK is also facing problem in its advertising system.Many customers who are outside in the city they cannot know about them. The proper knowledge as to the process of advertising in the tv and radio . The brand does not take many steps to assist them either. Many of these customers or people they come in their shop but for the short knowledge they think that this is over prices product. * Because the way SK makes charges to product cannot be properly explained, many customers believe and complain about the unethical branding of SK. Opportunities: * Sadakalo produces the different types of occasional product , by this customer’s easily buy a product for his/her close person.The country’s growing population is gradually and increasingly learning to adapt to and use the brand service. As the bulk of our population is middle class, upper class, different types of customer’s need different and they are filling the customer’s need * More Branches around Dhaka specially and all over Bangladesh will enable SK to capture more market share, and hold a stronger competition against local brands. * By offering more softness product, and reasonable price . Threats: * Increased competition by other local brands is a threat to SK. At present * RANG * DESHAL * NAGORDOLA * PRABORTONA * ANJANS K-KRAFT * BIBIANA * SWADESH Brands are posing significant threats to Sadakalo regarding retail and business clothing respectively. With customers shifting to these brands, SK’s profits, as well as market share is falling, and it faces the threat of being wiped out by competition. * Competitive rivalry within industry. * Increased provisioning requirement and increased Investment maintenance requirement. * Price-cutting due to the unfair and hostile competition, i. e. , market pressure for lowering of lending rate. * Deep and frequent exchange rate fluctuation negatively impacting local business of all the clients. Political ac rimony and frequent strike and pervasive nature of corruption. * Inefficient and unstructured legal system. * Uncertain reason. 15. Table: SWOT Analysis of Sadakalo - Strength| - Weakness| - Opportunity| - Threat | * Favorable Brand Image * Loyal customers * Financially well standing * Strong reputation in the local market. * Qualified, xperienced and dedicated human resources * Launching new innovative clothing products * Long term relationship with customers . * Special value added offers| * Fewer numbers of branches. * Not for lower class people. | New Market * New customer * More market share * To open more branches| * Increased competition * Existing competitors * Potential new entrance * Customer being interest conscious * Competitors moving aggressively * Competitors are giving more fluent and effective advertisement then Sadakalo. * Inefficient and unstructured legal system| 16.Sadakalos Product Categories: Sadakalo Fashion House has different types of products. They have ca tegorized their products very nicely. The core categories are: 1. Mens wear 2. Womens wear 3. Childrens wear 4. House hold 5. Fashion Accessories 6. Craft and Gift Items 7. Books 13. CONCLUSION The Sadakalo Group has earned the reputation of top ten brand operating in Bangladesh. This organization is much more structured compared to any other local brand operating in Bangladesh. It is relentless in pursuit of business innovation and improvement. It has a reputation as a leader in financing manufacturing sector.With its vast operation regarding , wide range of products, versatile services, strong financial base, invaluable customer’s satisfaction, and profound reputation it has grown into a unique stature which is now subject to every ones envy and Sadakalo Group’s pride. With a bulk of qualified and experienced human resource, Sadakalo can exploit any opportunity in the clothing sector. It is pioneer in introducing many new products and services in the clothing sector of the country. Moreover, in the retail-brand sector, it is unmatched with any other local brands because of its wide spread branch networking through the country.
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